Book our Castle

A wedding? A seminar? A birthday? Just want to eat in restaurant?
Come to visit us in our big Renaissance castle!

Our big castle can welcome you for all your big events by privatizing all the place, as well as just for eat in our French restaurant by booking a table.

Chambord castle

Who are we?

Located in Chambord, in France, our castle have been built in the 14th century. Today, it has a big retaurant in the 1st floor, and the other ones can be privatized for big events or parties. We can welcome up to 500 people, who can stay in the 400 rooms of the structure. The 52.5-square-kilometre wooded park, just as the impressive and beautiful building make the castle the best place for your events or your meals!

Chambord castle

How to make a reservation?

To make a reservation, you just have to call us or contact us through the following information. We will give you all the information you want to know and all the team will be very happy to prepare you the best possible experience!

Phone number: +47 123 45 678
Email adress:

Our prices

The restaurant

You can find our menu here, with all our prices

Chambord castle

To privatize the restaurant:

Only for one meal: 30 000 NOK
For a complete day: 50 000 NOK

The entire castle

Chambord castle

To privatize the entire castle:

Only for one day: 500 000 NOK
For two days: 900 000 NOK
For one week: 3 000 000 NOK

Click here to see a presentation video of the Chambord Castle